Newtown Lights Project 2020 cumulated on November 28th 2020 when local talent/ schools and individuals performed on Newtown TV!
The evening’s programme, showcased the best of Newtown’s talent and is now available on the council home page, where you can watch it again.
The programme included films from schools showing their lanterns, a speech from the Mayor, Father Christmas, the lights switch on and then a fantastic evening programme of local talent sharing stories, music, theatre and making.
There has been a wonderfully warm response across the community with individuals and organisations offering their voluntary skills and time to coordinate and facilitate many aspects of the project.
Newtown Twinning introduced a number of videos from our twin town at Christmas. The Newtown Twinning introduction video and the two links to the French Christmas in Les Herbiers are shown below:
Introduction from Liz Bushell: Video!
Liz Bushell Intro to Twinning Video
La Grande parade de Noël aux Herbiers 2019:
La parade de Noël Les Herbiers: